Cockpit Safety Rail/Table Combo

I have often been concerned about the safety of wide open cockpits. No place to put your feet when the boat heels, nothing to grab onto as you move fore and aft. Beth and Norm Cooper felt the same way when they were outfitting Sarah Jean II, a standard Saga 43 before they set sail into the Pacific. I really like the solution they came up with. First Norm had a metal shop fabricate a grab-rail which he bolted securely through the cockpit sole and into a backing plate. Next Norm, who enjoys working with wood, built a table that slides securely in place over the handrail. As you can see, the table has its own handrail, which is and feels just as secure as the unadorned grab-rail. The table handrail can be removed and small plates inserted to cover the holes for formal dining occasions. Beth has made a heavy duty canvas cover to protect the varnish when they are at sea. So far, after about 10,000 miles of voyaging, the table has rarely been removed at sea. And here is the table, getting set up so the four of us can enjoy a lovely lunch.